He's here. Parker Chase Stroope was born to Chris and Brandi Stroope on Friday, July 1, 2005 at 4:52 P.M. in Shreveport, Louisiana. He arrived weighing 7 lbs 4 oz. and was 19 3/4 inches long. He has dark blonde hair, not sure about the eye color but probably will be blue or brown based on family history. He was alert and can already raise his head a bit. He's cutie and I'm the proud grandparent. My wife, A.J. is all smiles. He's our 3rd grandchild. We have Peyton 7, Caitlyn 4 and now Parker. In about an hour, he'll be coming home from the hospital so we're about to take some food and desserts to the kids. It's been an exciting July 4th weekend for us.
One more thing, PLEASE, go to my website, www.zip71101.com and vote for my ZIP 71101 podcast. Go to the top right hand corner and put in your e-mail address and follow the instructions. You can listen to the podcast by clicking on the top left icon. Soon, you should be able to get the podcast from iTunes Music Store. My latest podcast will update you about the podcasting world and was made in a delivery truck.
More soon.