Monday, January 05, 2009


As of the first of this year, 2009, I've decided to no longer publish The Daily Zipcast Podcast. Although I do enjoy podcasting I felt it best to stop and try other things. New year, new projects like blogging more. Blogging is a thought process and will probably take a little longer then simply recording a podcast. Not that I didn't think about the process and content of the podcast but I do admit sometimes it was just too easy to put out a lot of nonsense than to think the project through. At least here, you won't hear me say, "you know" like Caroline Kennedy or use "uh" over an over. I'm sure I can find other ways to get your attention.

Speaking of attention, I just realised that I'll need to cut my nails more often if I'm to type. I just cut them last week and it seems they already need cutting. I hate the sound of long nails hitting the keys. I'm a man. I don't grow my nails long but if they get past a certain length, I go bonkers. It feels that they are in my way. The disadvantage of short nails is picking up thin objects off the ground like coins or slivers of paper. Nails are useful for that but that's about it.

Editing. Now that's the other thing about blogging. You have to proff read. Oops! Make that "Proof" read, So, if I'm to "nail it" as a blogger, I have to be careful about what I say and proof read for mistakes. Good English is important too. I might need some help there but as I blog perhaps that will improve too. If it gets to be too much work, I might go back to podcasting.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Ron,

I have to admit, that I very much regret, and at the same time respect, your desicion to stop the zipcast. It was always a pleasure to hear you talk about your life, your sons and your grandkids. I will miss that, even the ehms.

You do still continue the Ho Agenda's are you? With Tom? Although I don't listen to them as often as I did to the Zipcast, mostly because of its length, that might be the best way to keep my doses of Stroope at my ipod!

May the Zipcast rest in peace, but may our friendship last for ever!
