Saturday, May 09, 2009


Parker, my grandson, spent the day with me with the intention of spending the night. However, this afternoon we went to visit my mom. He was so funny. As soon as we got out of the car, Mom came out the back door and greeted us. Then he says to Mom, in his 3 year old big boy voice, " How are you today? " Of course, Mom ate that up. He did all the cute things kids do to impress adults. He sang, he danced, he rolled his eyes and followed Mom around making every step she made. He even asked her to let him see the inside of her car. Why? I have no idea, but she did it. She put him behind the steering wheel and let him play a few minutes. After that, he asked for a Sprite for me and one for himself and proceeded to eat a handful of Hershey's Kisses. While watching a country music show on RFD-TV, some guy came on and started singing the old Bobby Bare song, " I Wanna Go Home". I guess the sad song got to his little heart. He looked up at me with those big blue eyes and said, " I want to go home Pawpa Ron, (pause ) to my house. I want to see my Daddy. " I was surprised, because he's never changed his mind about spending the night that I remembered. So, after a few more minutes we headed home. After getting back to my house, I thought he'd forgotten about it. He was fine for about 10-15 minutes and then asked me again to take him home. I asked him why he wanted to go home and he responded, "I don't want to hang out with you now." After calling his dad, I put him in the car and headed south to Keithville. When we arrived he climbed out of his car seat. My wife, A.J., handed him his bag and a couple of toys. He looked at her and said, " I only have two hands, I'm not an octopus ".

Art Linkletter was right, "Kids say the darnest things". I know you're asking "Who is Art Linkletter? If you asked Parker, he'd probably answer, "Google it".

Friday, May 08, 2009


I had a thought early this morning as I was waking up. What would happen if I cut the cord? By that, I mean, how would I be affected if I were to leave Twitter, Facebook and all the other social media including podcasting? Just simply walk away to a more simple lifestyle. Could I live without the internet? I've been on the web since the first browser appeared and was one of the first in my town to get online and have a website. Looking back I see how far we've come yet looking forward wondering "how far can we go?" What's next? Social media opens up your life and exposes it to the world. I no longer have local friends, I have global friends. Will I walk away from my email? After all, doesn't almost everyone have email? It might be like going to a deserted island in the middle of the ocean and watching the ship leave, never to return again. Can't change your mind now. Once you lose your contacts in the cyber world, if you went back, say five years later, would you be able to find them? Technology will be so far advanced that you might regret having missed being a part of the change. Is it possible to walk away? I don't think so, but if you don't see me for a while, don't fret, I don't have a boat.


What's the question:?

If one knows in their "knower" that they know something but can't explain how they know it, who put it in their "knower"? Do you know?

Have you ever known something in your "knower", your heart, inner voice, or whatever you want to call it, that you knew something was a fact and no one could change your mind? Then how did it get there? Who put the "know" in you? Someone supernatural perhaps? Could it be "God"? But, I've heard God is dead and if he is alive, he doesn't really care about me, right?

Or, perhaps it's the voice of the universe or the cosmic powers of beyond but not God...right?

Or, is God the one behind the energy of the universe or cosmic powers? Questions, questions, questions.

I suspect that God is alive and well, and still speaks to men in their hearts. I mean "knower". You know?
